Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Moment in Time

Dear "T",

Your 6th grade graduation theme was "a moment in time." When I look at these pictures I wonder how you went from my little boy starting kindergarten to my big boy graduating from 6th grade in what seems like just a few moments in time! Time has whizzed by!
I wonder if I've taught you all you should know by now. I wonder if I've spent enough time with you, listening to you and loving you. I know being the oldest isn't always the easiest. You're like my little science project. I experiment with you, sometimes it's a win, sometimes a miss. No matter what though I always want what's best for you.
I marvel at the big boy you've turned into and I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You've worked so hard to get straight A's at school and practiced a lot to become a wonderful pianist.
Keep up the good work, do what's right, and listen to your dad and I and you'll continue to grow and succeed in life.
I loved the little boy with the fake smile and I love the big boy in the graduation cap:) Congratulations on your graduation!

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